Red Cored Chantenay carrots

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Red Cored Chantenay carrots

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$CAD 3.50
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Daucus carota 

According to Lynn Coulter's Gardening with Heirloom seeds, historians believe that carrots started out as purple or yellow roots that grew in Afghanistan (a probable mutation of the Queen Anne's lace wildflower we know so well here in Canada!). The plants would have slowly spread into the eastern Mediterranean area, to find themselves on the menu as of the 1300s in Western Europe and China. 

By the 1700s, Dutch breeders began working to develop the carotene-rich orange roots we have come to love. 

Red Cored Chantenay

This variety comes from the Chantenay region in France. It is known for its sweetness and bright colour. As early as 1887, Burpee's praised it as one of the best varieties they grew. Roots are smooth and easily dug, as they do not grow too long - they are recommended for shallow soils. An excellent variety for winter storage and soupes - sweetens with time. 

70 days to maturity. 

200-300 seeds per pack. 

Growing tips: 

Sown directly in the garden in early spring, and resow every two weeks for a continuous harvest. They can take a while to emerge, so a good trick is to sow them along with radish seeds - these will emerge earlier, and will help mark your carrot rows. Once your carrot seedlings emerge, thin them so that they are not too dense. Harvest as you like!