Polish pole beans

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Polish pole beans

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$CAD 3.50
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Phaseolus vulgaris

Annual plant, open pollinated.

Pole bean. Dry bean. Snap bean. 

Rare variety.

A rare polish variety of pole bean that is incredibly productive and yields very small, shiny jewel like round seeds.  Polish pole beans are incredibly productive! They are also all purpose beans: eat them fresh as young snaps, or use them in soups or chilis. 

Days to maturity: 100 days for dry beans. 

40 seeds per pack. 

Seed starting:

For bush beans, pole beans and runner beans. 

Direct seed in your garden once all danger of frost has passed and the soil has warmed. Beans do not tolerate frost. Early June is when we plant around here. Sow seed about 1” deep. Darker coloured seeds tend to germinate better in cooler soils. 

Pole beans and runner beans need something to climb!