Livingston Perfection Tomato

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Livingston Perfection Tomato

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$CAD 3.50
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Solanum lycopercicum.

Livingston Perfection 

Annual, Open pollinated. 

Indeterminate, regular leaf tomato. 

This variety was originally sourced from the Kingston Seed Sanctuary library: a seed library that was dedicated to growing drought tolerant varieties. Truly an inspiration to me, I was so excited to add this variety to my drought tolerant farm ventures.

Livingston’s Perfection Tomato is a vigorous, productive variety that yield many many many fruit. The fruit are medium-small, globe to oblate shaped, and of a bright red colour. It is a great tomato for eating fresh, but it also used for canning and processing! 

Here is an interesting excerpt from Victory Seeds in the US tracing Livingston Perfection’s path:

It was introduced by Alexander W. Livingston in 1880 and was described in the 1893 seed annual as follows:

"An improved Acme with red skin; somewhat larger, fully as early, has more solid flesh and fewer seeds, and produces more and larger fruit at the close of the season; invariably smooth and of a handsome blood-red color. All who have tried it pronounce it of the highest quality. Some canners prefer it to all others, especially those who can the tomato whole."[1]

Mr. Livingston discovered this historic variety as a single "sport" plant growing in his field of 'Acme' tomatoes[2] ('Acme' was a pink-fruited variety and is now presumed extinct). In his book entitled "Livingston and the Tomato," Mr. Livingston wrote:

"The stalk and foliage are lighter than those of the Paragon, but stronger than those of the Acme. The fruit is uniformly smooth like the others, only it is a little flatter from the stem to the blossom ends. Its blood red color is very desirable, meeting the fancies of the public, especially in the Eastern markets. One particular advantage it has as a shipper, is that it begins to show ripening several days before it is fully ripe. It also has a thick, tough skin, which is not easily broken in transit. With this kind, inexperienced hands or pickers in the South, if directed to gather only those fully grown and showing a tinge of ripening, can be employed to gather the fruit; and the grower will not get it into the distant market green, wilted or spotted. This is a good tomato for bulk of crop, almost anywhere and everywhere.[2]

Tomatoes are naturally quite drought tolerant, and yields are better when grown in the ground because their root systems are adventurous and incredibly resilient.

Days to maturity: 85 days from transplant. 

minimum 25 seeds per pack.

Seed starting:

In our climate tomatoes like a head start - start seeds 6-8 weeks before the last frost (depending on your region). Sow seeds 1/4 inch deep, keeping the soil warm and moist. Once the first true leaves appear, plant up into plug trays. Plant outside in full sun once all danger of frost has passed and the soil has warmed. Mulch with straw or other organic matter! 

Tomatoes will do well staked.  

Companion plants: basil, nasturtium, carrots, calendula.