Forellenschluss lettuce (Freckles, Speckled trout)

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Forellenschluss lettuce (Freckles, Speckled trout)

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$CAD 3.50
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lactuca sativa

Annual plant, Open pollinated. 

This is a beautiful romaine heirloom lettuce variety originating from Austria. According to the Slow Food Ark of Taste, it was grown in Holland and Austria in the 1600s, traveling through Germany (where it is given its current name!), and arriving in Canada in the late 1700s. Crisp green leaves with maroon freckles, its name Forellenschluss is german for “speckled trout”, likening it to the trout’s freckled scales. It is sweet, heat tolerant, and a farm favorite all over Turtle Island. The leaves grow upright in a loose, open shaped fashion. 

Matures: 55-59 days. 

Seeds per pack: 200 

Seed starting:

Lettuce can be started indoors or directly seeded in early spring as soon as the soil can be worked. If starting indoors, sow 2-3 seeds per pot and thin to one. Transplant outdoors after 3 weeks. If direct seeding outdoors, for full sized heads plant 3 seeds per 8 inches, and thin to one seedling per group. Cover the soil every so lightly! 

Sow every three weeks for a continuous supply all summer long. 

Companion plants: carrots, radish, cucumbers, beans.