Bright Strawflower Mix

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Bright Strawflower Mix

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$CAD 3.50
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Xerochrysum bracteatum, Bracteantha bracteata, Helichrysum bracteatum

Strawflowers are the perfect dry flower - harvest when the middle petals are still pointed upwards for dry flowers, and hang to dry (see the bouquet picture for a reference). These are amazing, papery flowers introduced in Europe in 1799. In French it is called 'immortelles' = immortal.  I love to add them to my garlic braids and use them in other arts and crafts.

This particular mix is the bright strawflower mix, a blend of bright pinks, oranges and whites. 

Days to maturity: 75-85.

50 seeds per pack. 

Seed starting

Start indoors 6 weeks before the last frost, 1/4inch in depth. This is a sun plant, so light is required for germination : barely cover seed (or don’t!). I love to mist the seeds instead of covering them. Thin them out to one plant per cell, and transplant outside once all danger of frost has passed, leaving about 12 inches between plants.