Black Cumin Nigella

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Black Cumin Nigella

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$CAD 3.50
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Nigella sativa

Annual plant, open pollinated.

Commonly called black cumin, fennel flower, ragged lady, devil in the bush and love-in-a-mist.

This is the dreamiest, most exquisite annual flower. It is a short plant that grows very easily. The second picture featured here is the seed pod after the flower has bloomed. Black cumin nigella seeds are known as kalonji in middle eastern and Indian cuisine. 

Days to maturity: 60 days to flower, 80 days to seed. 

35 seeds per pack.

Seed starting

Direct seed in your garden at a depth of 1/8inch, 2 to 3 weeks before the last frost in the spring (as soon as the soil can be worked).